Well, I tried to cut this for spoilers, but I can't get the dang cut to work. So let me do this the old fashioned way and say
There's some spoilers here.
So probably you should see the movie first.
With that said...
10 Things I Learned From Watching "Skyfall"
1. If a female agent has a hard time driving big cars and assassinating bad guys, she'd probably be happier as a secretary.
2. Corollary to #1: if you have to fire a woman for gross incompetence, make sure you replace her with a man ASAP.
3. Flicking your cigarette butt into a coworker's drink is a fun way to show how you respect her as a colleague and an equal.
4. Surprising a rape survivor in her shower is a great way to get laid.
5. Using a woman for target practice is *definitely* a waste of good Scotch.
6. Homosexuals are bad people who will molest you at the first opportunity.
7. Corollary to #6: any good guys who happen to be homosexual will have the decency to keep that to themselves.
8. Nerds can type on their little keyboards all they want, but if you need to crack the unbreakable computer code, let a real man take a look at it.
9. Corollary to #8: you probably shouldn't have let Poindexter play with it in the first place - he's only going to make a bigger mess.
10. It's okay to be a physically and mentally unfit alcoholic pillhead who botches jobs and gets people killed, as long as you get the bad
Look, I know it's supposed to be a fun spy movie, not a monumental step forward in the quest for diversity and social progress. And I get that this is the James Bond franchise, not the MI6 Justice Friends. He's the hero, so he's supposed to do most of the cool stuff and have all the deep and interesting flaws.
But that's exactly the problem. If James Bond is a flawed hero, then I'm supposed to ride along in his head and root for him while he makes terrible decisions and treats women like garbage. If he's a fundamentally broken anti-hero and we're *not* meant to identify with him, then this is basically a story about a guy who is rewarded for being a terrific asshole, mostly by virtue of being the least incompetent person in the movie.
I dunno. This thing is currently sitting on $260 million and 92% on the Tomatometer, so it's clearly given a lot of people some solid entertainment. But I'll say this much: anyone who still wants to lament America's descent into a dark age of political correctness needs to clam up and catch another matinee.
What do you say about a man like that?